Crafted Movement

As a lifelong dancer, I recognize the importance physical movement has played in my existence. Dance has served as comfort through hard times, a way to show my strength, and gifted me with a community of friends.

In 2020, I decided to explore the stories of my fellow movement artists. What lessons have dance and movement taught them? How have dance and movement affected the way they interact with the world? What type of discipline have they learned? The Crafted Movement podcast explores these questions and gives a voice to movement artists and their journeys.

Latest Episodes


Episode 4 - DJ Kin Solo

This episode features Chicago based B-boy, DJ, Hip Hop enthusiast, and educator DJ Kin Solo.

He has a beautiful message about going with the flow and taking a chance on your dream and being open to learning.


Episode 3 - Del Marie

This episode features Chicago bred mixed movement artist, Del Marie.

She speaks on the importance of being true to yourself and allowing your faith to lead your path.


Episode 2 - Tia-Serena

This episode features Miami based Belly Dance Fusion artist, Tia-Serena.

Tia shares how dance played a role in developing her confidence and helped her to win her battle with cancer.


Danielle L. Echols

Danielle L. Echols